Automated WordPress blog post generator with Airtable + Make + ChatGPT
👉 Get ready to embark on an exciting journey with this project!
What you get
We are going to build a cutting-edge and custom built software solution with no code.
Once it is built and active it will save you tens of hours per year, maybe more.
Who I am
Hi there! My name is Mike, and I have been in the web industry for over a decade. I'm here to guide you through the project with my videos and email support. Learn more at WebsiteMike.
Who this is for
Whether you're a passionate blogger, a savvy marketer, or a visionary small business owner, this project is your key to effortlessly creating and publishing high-quality blog posts with images.
Tools used
The 4 software applications used in this project are:
- AirTable - a relational database solution. Free and pro trial versions available.
- Make - for cross-application automation. Free and paid versions available.
- ChatGPT - an automated content generator. Free and paid versions available.
- WordPress - a website content management system. Open-source, free to download.
Read below for more information about each application.
You'll learn how to use AirTable as a dynamic centralized content management system. It is equipped with intuitive and advanced spreadsheet features like calendar views, kanban views, and automations that streamline your content management tasks. And that's just the beginning!
To help connect the 3 other software applications together you use Make scenarios, which consist of cross-application steps. Like AirTable sending information to ChatGPT, and then updating with the content generated.
We'll be integrating and using ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model that creates written copy and images based on prompts. With your custom prompting it will be directed to create compelling written copy and eye-catching images for your blog visitors.
For the automated publishing step we'll connect your WordPress blog to the system so it can receive the content and manage it's publishing.
A recap of what you get
By the time you finish this project you'll have an automated blog post generator that also passes the content up to your WordPress blog for publishing. It's not only easy to update and manage but also saves you tons of valuable time and effort.
The options available on this product page are:
- Free - Download my AirTable database.
- $10 - Purchase my Make scenarios. Save yourself hours of work.
- Support via my Discord server and email.
Is there a completely free option?
Yes! If you opt to not purchase my Make scenarios you can still reverse engineer them from the instructional videos.
I highly encourage you to capitalize on this opportunity so you can enjoy more of your most valuable asset — your time!
Save potentially hundreds of your precious hours every year and implement the future of high-value automated content creation and publishing.
Affiliate links
Please note that the links to AirTable and listed in the Tools used section above are my affiliate links for those services. Clicking on either of those links and then signing up for an account gives me a small piece of the sale. It's a free and simple way you can help keep my pirate ship afloat. Ahoy and thank you!
Included in this purchase are my 2 Make scenarios. One takes information from AirTable and passes it to ChatGPT. The other one passes the content generated by ChatGPT to your WordPress blog.